„Members are searching for Rural Youth – Rural Youth [reloaded]”, this is the motto of the project from the Rural Youth Austria. The aim of this project is to share the sense of community of a rural youth group with members which are working or studying in Vienna. A team of six members is currently working on this to organise …
Rally 2019 memories
Polona Globočnik representing ZSPM in the prep team for the Rally 2019 shares her experiences from the Rally this summer in Cirencester, England. Sitting in front of the computer and thinking about all the amazing things that happened at the RYEurope Rally 2019 in England – my head is full of hilarious moments and unforgettable experiences with new friends I have …
Wales welcomes new Chairman
Mid-September Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs held their Annual General Meeting at the Old College, Aberystwyth. Dafydd Jones from Meirionnydd YFC stepped down from the position of Chairman after a busy and successful term. During his term Daf raised funds for Air Ambulance Wales which included many activities such as a Skydive and finished off with a tour of …
We’re in it now!
Since the last European Rally and the General Assembly from 18 – 25 August, we have welcomed three new member organisations, and we will in the upcoming weeks present them to you. First is the Young Farmers’ Union of South Tyrol. Their chairman Evi will here below present their organisation in a brief statement We are the largest independent youth …