Counting game


The whole group has to count to 30 (depends on how many participants attend) without talking to each other. They have to communicate nonverbally. When two people say the same number at the same time the game starts from the beginning again. They are standing in a circle and they are not allowed to count in line. Everyone has to …

Ball of Yarn


Participants are forming a circle. One person has a ball of yarn in his hands. He throws it to another person and has to say his/her name and something he likes about him/her. This goes on until everyone has had the ball of yarn once. In the end it looks like a spider net and everyone is connected. Pass a …

Barometer Method


The person facilitating the activity has a list of different questions and statements. The participants should stand in an imaginary line which represents a scale from “I agree”/”yes” to “I disagree/no”. When the participants have chosen sides, they are asked to explain why they chose that side/that spot on the scale. Example statements: I have learned something during this event …



Preparation: Use the tape to create a target on the floor. Make a bullseye that represents a 10, and then 9 other rings. Delivery: When the session starts, explain to the participants that the facilitator will read out several statements, and that the participants will have to choose how much they agree by placing themselves somewhere on the target. The …