

Everybody forms a straight line and hold hands. The person at one end starts rolling up the line without letting go of the next person’s hand. Everyone follows along until a large spiral is formed. Now the person who started the spiral must clamber out. Everyone must follow without letting go of each other. This can be played in one …

Zip, Zap, Spoink


1. Everyone stands in a circle. 2. One person bends down and pick up an invisible gun. The person can only shoot the gun to his/her left or right, right next to him/her. 3. When shooting left you must make “a gun” with your fingers and point to the left saying “zip”. Shooting to the right, you must point to …

Penguins and Flamingos


Choose a penguin. The penguin shuffles round quickly and penguin like, arms by his side. Everyone else is a flamingo and can only move slowly, gracefully, swooping their wings. The penguin has to catch the flamingos. When a flamingo is caught it miraculously becomes a penguin and madly shuffles round catching flamingos until everyone is a penguin.

Circle and Knees


Everybody stands in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. Then you turn 90° so that everyone is looking at the back of somebody’s head. Everyone takes on step in to the circle. On the count of three everyone sits down on the knees of the person behind them.

Flying stick


Everybody put their pointing finger under the stick in a 40-degree angle, standing an equal number opposite of each other. Now the task is to get the stick from arm height down to the ground by moving the fingers down at the same time without dropping it. If the group easily gets this done, give them the same task but …

Pass the ball


The participants form a circle or a line. The first person takes the ball and puts it between his or her knees and tries to pass it on to the next one. Helping out by using hands is not allowed! When the ball has been passed to all the participants, the first person now has to pass the ball while …

Cat and mouse


Choose a cat and a mouse. The rest of the group stands in 3 or 4 rows facing the same direction, arms held out. The cat has to catch the mouse by running in and out of the rows (they cannot go under the arms). The cat can clap whenever it likes to make the standers turn 90°, still in …

Ball of Yarn


Participants are forming a circle. One person has a ball of yarn in his hands. He throws it to another person and has to say his/her name and something he likes about him/her. This goes on until everyone has had the ball of yarn once. In the end it looks like a spider net and everyone is connected. Pass a …