The current board consists of (from left) Birgit Kauslap group IV, Daniela Allram group II, Nicolai Olsen group III, Sebastian Lassnig chairman, Linzi Stewart vice-chair, Anja Mager special interest board member, Niall Evans group I
At the GA in Gloucestershire 23rd of August 2019 The RYEurope board said goodbye to Aris Brencis, representative of group IV and Hannah Kirkpartick, representative of group I and welcomed Birgit Kuslap from Estonia to represent group IV and Niall Evans from Wales to represent group I.
Chairman Sebastian Lassnig expressed his and the organisation’s gratitude towards the leaving two and welcomed the two new board members. Both newcomers have participated in RYEurope events and look forward to working toward many more successful events to come.
The new board will start it’s work presently and have the official handover meeting in October where the previous and current boards meet for an exchange of knowledge and responsibilities.
The new board members will be introducing themselves to their groups and to the rest of us by and by.