LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness – Do’s and Don’ts

As part of our ongoing mission to promote LGBT+ inclusivity within Rural Youth Europe, as well as our member organisations, we have produced some new materials to help us all understand how we can all start to be more inclusive.

During our Together Thursdays workshop in January 2022 – ‘Creating an Inclusive Environment’ – we had many discussions about how we can all start difficult conversations about sexuality and inclusivity. As a team we gathered different ideas and discussed the key ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for creating a more inclusive environment within our organisations.

As emphasised in previous blogs, only celebrating and acknowledging the LGBT+ community during pride month, or specific days of the year, simply isn’t enough. We need to make sure that there is a thread of inclusivity in everything that we do.

Take a look at some key points in the poster below and feel free to download it for your own organisation here.

Also, if you want to hear more on this topic, have a listen to our dedicated podcast episodes here.


This blog is part of the Together Thursdays project, co funded by the European Union.