Between the 17-19 April, Rural Youth Europe was representing our members at the European Union Structured Dialogue with youth in Sofia Bulgaria. The event saw around 200 young people and policy makers come together to discuss the concerns of young people from throughout Europe and to formulate a vision of the future that young people wish to create. During the event, participants discussed and debated the feedback back from over 48,000 consultation responses from young people on 11 key theme areas. The topics ranged from mental health and wellbeing, gender equality, and inclusive societies, to rural issues and sustainability.
By the end of the event, the participants had created over 70 targets that young people wish to achieve. An action plan of how to achieve these targets will be created at the next round of the structured dialogue in Vienna during September.
Speaking following the event, RYEurope board member Geoff Thompson commented, “The structured dialogue is a fantastic opportunity for young people from different backgrounds all over Europe to come together to discuss issues affecting their lives and to create a vision of a future in which all young people can fulfil their potential. It can be fascinating to see the range of issues, desires and solutions suggested by young people. However, it is obvious that representatives from rural communities are in the minority and it is therefore vital that we are present at these events in order to make our voice heard so we are not left behind.”
The full list of youth goals can be found here:

Anja Fortuna and Geoff Thompson representing the rural youth in the European Youth Conference in Bulgaria