Local Study Visits about Youth Participation

As preparation for Rural Youth Europe events in 2018 all participants are asked to do a local study visit about ‘youth participation’. The aim of the study visit is to get familiar with how rural youth can in various ways get actively involved in society.

It is up to you what kind of youth participation you want to study during your visit. Some examples are that you could:
–    interview a young person being actively involved in an organisation, council or political party,
–    participate in a demonstration or observe and analyse one,
–    make a presentation about how you yourself participate in the community.
Regardless of the format of your visit, please find out information like: What change in society does this person/event aim for? What is the motivation/context? What is done to get closer to the goal? Who benefits from it? What more could young people do on this matter?

The study visit can be done individually or in groups, and the visits should be completed during the summer. Please send by the 15th of July (for Rally) or 15th of August (for Study Session)  to office@ruralyoutheurope.com a description of your visit and what you learned about youth participation in the format of a short written summary and a few pictures, and if the visit is done in a group, also a video clip. This material will then be collected to be shared between all participants of 2018 activities and for Rural Youth Europe’s media and reporting.
