I am Sebastian Lassnig, 25 from Austria and vice-chair for Rural Youth Europe.
What Landjugend experience do you have? Since 2006 I am a member of Rural Youth Austria (Landjugend Österreich) and within this years I volunteered in several positions which led me in the end to my current position in the RYEurope board.:)
What is your best RYEurope memory? Good question. There are so many great unforgettable memories. There is a fun one: After a board meeting in Finland in October we swam in the cold sea after a great finish Sauna!
Why do you want to be in the RYEurope board? I want to give rural youth in Europe the chance to grow and widen their horizon. Furthermore to raise the "voice" for rural youth in Europe.
A hidden talent of yours? maybe singing 😉
A favourite quote? "It’s hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed"
– Theodore Roosevelt
Something else you want to say to the readers of this presentation? Take the chance and get an active part of this unique RYEurope community.