This is this year’s main topic of the Landjugend in Austria.
Hello guys, my name is Rosina and I’m from Austria, specifically from Salzburg. I’m in the board of the Landjugend county “Flachgau” since five years and since two of them I’m leader of this county.
For me “hold side by side/form the countryside” in county Flachgau means the yearly custom of tying palm bushes. All 21 Landjugend clubs in Flachgau are collecting nine different components for more than 600 palm bushes. Two weeks before Palm Sunday we then tie 600 palm bushes in advance, always from Monday to Thursday. On Friday and Saturday before Palm Sunday we sell the palm bushes in the city of Salzburg on the residence place. We also bring the materials with us, so that the people have the opportunity to tie a palm bush on their own under our help and instructions. People really like this custom and also a lot of tourists are very interested. All the money we earn for selling the palm bushes are donated every year to a different handicapped person, who needs help.
This yearly project strengthens the cohesion between all the Landjugend members in Flachgau very much. I’m really proud of my Landjugend clubs in Flachgau, that they hold together and help us every year, and this voluntarily! For me this is pure Landjugend-feeling in Austria. Also a lot of press and politicians visit us every year and are very impressed of the Landjugend in Flachgau.
My lovely RYEurope members, as you can see, if we hold side by side very strong, we can achieve and change unbelievable things!
If you want to also get inspired of Landjugend Austria, come over and visit us and become a part of the big Landjugend family!
Rosina Gschaider
Leader of Landjugend county Flachgau (Salzburg), Austria