Sharing and Caring our way to the England Rally

Tori Ward is involved in the team for this years Rally in England “Sharing and Caring in a Democratic and Inclusive European Community”, here she shares some of her insight in the process of the arrangements! Has your organisation already registered your team? Deadline on the 28th of June 2019. The picture above shows the passing of the Rally Bell from previous …

The Strategy Workbook is out now!

Over the past few years the board of Rural Youth Europe has been working towards continuous strategic development of the organisation. Along side this process our Secretary General Jenni Heinonen has been collecting the process into a workbook which can be used to develop other organisations strategic direction. We are now very proud to launch the final result, a book that not only aims to support our member organisations in their work, but also others interested in developing their organisations, through simple methods that guide a process that clarifiers the goals and direction of NGOs. Click here to get your own copy of the Strategy Workbook  

Grand Prep kicks off the 2019 RYEurope events

A couple of weeks ago we had our second international activity of 2019 in England. The Grand Prep brought together the preparatory teams of the 2019 events to discuss democracy and practical planning of international events. The teams are made up of representatives of previous year’s activities, the hosts for this year and representatives of next year’s events. Here you …


With Rally fever rising it is time to have flashback to last years rally and the campaigns that the teams created within their national teams. Here’s Emma Ilmonen, who was team leader in 2018 for the Finnish team, sharing their campaign with us. In the RYEurope’s Rally 2018 in Scotland, we got a task to come up with a campaign to …

 “Empowering Young Farmers and Rural Youth”: CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe launch EU elections manifesto

CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe, the three main European organisations representing rural youth and young farmers, launched their 2019 EU elections manifesto today.  The document, titled “Empowering Young Farmers and Rural Youth”, was released on the occasion of the “EU Young Farmer Speed Dating” event hosted by CEJA in Brussels. The event brought young farmers, rural youth and …

Democritically informed

The first event of 2019 was the Study Session organised in collaboration with the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) and  the European Youth Centre Budapest, in Hungary. Almost 40 people, with participants and team included met 25th of February to the 6th of March at the youth centre to discuss rural youth’s participation in democratic processes and learn how …

Swedish 4H National Conference brings together volunteers

Emma Hansson reports on the Swedish 4H National Conference. In the end of January the Swedish 4H National conference was held in Norrköping.An excellent way to kick off the new year, get new energy and of course network. Meeting old friends and making new ones in the organisation, exchanging ideas and getting inspiration is one of the ways to develop …

AMATEUR ACTION – Latvian Young Farmers participate by dancing

During 2018 RYEurope asked the participants in our various events to prepare a text or a video on youth participation in their home countries. The idea with this was for the participants and consequently also other young people, to realise the different ways they can actively contribute to the society and to help shape it. The Rally team from the …

Rural Youth in Germany Participate in their Community

During 2018 RYEurope asked the participants in our various events to prepare a text or a video on youth participation in their home countries. The idea with this was for the participants and consequently also other young people, to realise the different ways they can actively contribute to the society and to help shape it. The German Rally team consisted …

The International Herrsching Seminar – call to applicants open until 15th of February

Aimed to develop leadership skills among rural youth the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food Workshop Secretariat in Bonn, Germany presents: 29th Workshop in 2019: “Gaining skills – sharing knowledge – building networks” The 29th International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth will take place under the motto “Gaining skills – sharing knowledge – building networks” in the House of Bavarian Agriculture in …